Leadership and Innovation forum at Lok Jack Business School

The UWIAA collaborates with the Lok Jack Graduate School of Business (GSB) Alumni Board to host a panel discussion on Leadership and Innovation. This event will take place on Monday 22nd November, 2010, from 6-7:30 pm, at the Yara Auditorium GSB. Members of the panel include Bevil Wooding, Chief Knowledge Officer Congress WBN; Charles Percy, CEO Methanex Ltd; Mrs. Rani Lakhan-Narace, CEO Trinre Insurance; and Mark Regis, Head of Communications BG T&T.

To RSVP and find out more, please contact Charmian Subero, UWI Alumni Relations Office, at 663-1579, or Seeraj Gajadhar, Lok Jack GSB, at 645-6700 ext 116.