Gerard Best

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Antigua Public Utilities Authority will host CaribNOG regional meeting in September

The Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG) will hold its eighteenth regional meeting from September 25 to 27, hosted by the Antigua Public Utilities Authority.

“We are pleased to partner with the Antigua Public Utilities Authority to hold the next in our ongoing series of regional meetings,” said Stephen Lee, CaribNOG Program Director.

He invited all interested stakeholders to submit proposals for topics, lightning presentations or full sessions for the consideration of the coordination team for the upcoming meeting, which is themed “Securing Caribbean Networks.”

“The CaribNOG community continues to grow in strength and numbers, in large part because of the vibrant network of professionals working to improve the region’s technical capacity and strengthen the interconnections among all actors and organisations in the Internet space,” said Bevil Wooding, Caribbean Outreach Liaison at the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) and one of the founders of CaribNOG.

The group's mandate to build out critical Internet infrastructure and improve connectivity, resiliency and security remains an urgent remit, and attendees at recent CaribNOG community meetings have been increasingly vocal in their support for the nine-year-old organisation.

CaribNOG’s institutional partners include ARIN, the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the Internet Society, the Internet address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACNIC), and Packet Clearing House.

Throughout 2019, the CaribNOG community has started to work with its partners and stakeholders to focus on a range of capacity-building activities, including collaborative research projects, resource development, expanded communication channels and new outreach initiatives.

Registration, agenda and other information for the upcoming meeting, called CaribNOG 18, are available at