Gerard Best

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CaribNOG Launches Fellowship Program

New Program to Widen Participation in CaribNOG Regional Meetings CASTRIES, ST LUCIA – Technology practitioners and enthusiasts from across the Caribbean region will have more opportunities to attend meetings of the Caribbean Network Operators Group, CaribNOG, thanks to the CaribNOG Fellowships Program launched today.

"We want to foster increased participation at our public meetings, particularly from students and emergent technology practitioners. The new CaribNOG fellowship program is designed to do just that," said Bevil Wooding, CaribNOG Program Director and a founding member of the regional group.

Priority will be given to undergraduate and post graduate students who are interested in participating in CaribNOG fora and in extending CaribNOG’s research capability. The fellowship will assist in covering airfare, hotel and a stipend. Recipients will be expected to actively participate in and contribute to CaribNOG development initiatives. As always, registration for CaribNOG’s meetings is free for anyone wanting to attend.

At the upcoming CaribNOG 2nd Regional Gathering scheduled to take place in St Lucia, the CaribNOG Fellowships will be sponsored by the Geneva-based Internet Society (ISOC), the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) and BrightPath Foundation.

A total of 12 persons will benefit from sponsorship at the 2nd Regional Gathering of CaribNOG. Eight are to be covered by ISOC, two by the CTU and 2 by BrightPath Foundation.

Bernadette Lewis, Secretary General of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, in  endorsing the initiative stated, "The CaribNOG Fellowship Program is expected to play a key role in meeting our goal to create a truly regional forum for exchanging ideas, sharing experiences and developing common understanding  though open discussions and hands-on training”.  Lewis added, “In supporting the CaribNOG Fellowship Program we are seeking to encourage and deepen participation by interested parties across the region".

"As the only regional body dedicated to bringing together managers of computer network and information systems, CaribNOG has been working hard to reach out and work with people from every part of the Caribbean, " Wooding added. "Making sure we have participation from people who normally couldn’t attend means CaribNOG’s work in developing technical competence and capacity in the region is more accountable and transparent."

After the St Lucia meeting, which takes place from the 19 – 22 September 2011, CaribNOG will get feedback on the program from participants and the public, and identify areas for refinement.